Saturday, March 13, 2010

I'm in love with my guitar

'It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.'
Theodore Roosevelt.

I really need the courage to achieve things in life. :/
Yet, I fear of failure. Which makes me a coward.

Yummy and cute phone straps from stapya world;

Japan Crepes

Lime Sorbet Ice Cream

Friday, March 12, 2010

Seems like everything I do revolves around you

One more week to go until Helen's party. I'm so excited, it's going to be heaps of fun, or that's what I hope it will be like anyways. I've gone shopping almost every week now and I still can't find a dress that fits in with the dress code. Arghh, how sad. I need to buy a nice clutch as well, one that matches with the cardigan, and shoes I've brought. Tilkah has really nice accessories. Simple yet elegant and charming. Too bad I'm actually a cheapskate and won't be willing to spend more than 60 bucks on a clutch or a pair of nice earrings.

OMG! These dresses are so cute, and pretty ^^ I would like seriously buy them all if I had the money T_T

Black dresses are still in this winter however this season's colors include creams, beige and white.

Here are a few nice black dresses:

And this season'style;


I've got to let go, I'm not holding on anymore


And welcome to my blog. I know the name sounds lame, but I couldn't think of anything else so please bear with it for now.

I really don't know what to post in this blog, so from time to time I will be posting various random things about clothing, make-up, cutesy things, electronics, and other stuff.